
For Solo Violin

Duration: 8' 30" Ca.

Year of Composition : 2019

Premier : Patricia Ibáñez (2019)

Awards: Winner piece of "Ennio Porrino" first international composition competition, September 2012, Porto Santo Stefano, Italy.

Chaconne for solo violin was a challenge for me using the monument of Violin literature, Bach’s Chaconne in D minor, as a main source of inspiration in order to write a composition for solo violin. 

The genetic code of the piece is a four notes cell that is presented right at the begging of the piece; 

G G# A# B (in descending order) 

The structure of the piece is a kind of “Music of the changes” which mostly has been obtained by different sections without clear borders. Each section tries to symbolise one of the idiomatic-virtuosistc characters of the instrument through its vast repertoire meanwhile these idioms gave me the opportunity of working on different variations on the primary melodic figure. 

One other important aspect of the piece is the contrast of precisely written texture and controlled aleatoric writing. This contrast during the piece becomes one of the important aspects of the composition. 

Silvia Mandolini 

Modena, Chiesa del voto - Gioventù musicale di Modena

November 14th. 2022

From the final concert of "Ennio Porrino" composition competition,

Rebecca Raimondi performs the winner piece "Chaconne" for solo violin.

Centro Studi Don Pietro Fanciulli, Porto Santo Stefano, September 2020

Duo Ardorè

Giorgiana Strazzullo, violino

Brano eseguito il 16 novembre 2022 presso la Chiesa Anglicana di Napoli nell'ambito del progetto Temi-Rifrazioni curato da Cosimo Abbate e Lorenzo Pone

Una produzione dell'associazione Dissonanzen

Piercarlo Sacco in concert and masterclass 

Organised by Salotto in Prova in collaboration with Fondazione Luigi Piseri , Dec. 2023 - Brescia MO.CA

Patricia Ibáñez

recording (2019) Argentina